Structure Wise


Structure Wise measures the amount of glomalin in your soil produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM).  Structure Wise is a convenient indication of one of the main components of a healthy soil – structure, and provides useful indications of resistant soil carbon sequestered as glomalin and the historical prevalence of VAM in your soil.

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Structure Wise

Structure Wise measures the amount of glomalin in your soil produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM).  Glomalin is a resistant form of soil carbon exuded by VAM that, by its sticky nature, helps to bind soil particles together into aggregates in your soil.  The level of aggregates in your soil is a useful measure of soil structure as it has a large influence on moisture infiltration, water holding capacity, aeration and plant root growth. Because glomalin is resistant to degradation it also indicates the history of VAM in your soil.  Structure Wise is a convenient indication of one of the main components of a healthy soil – structure, and provides useful indications of resistant soil carbon sequestered as glomalin and the historical prevalence of VAM in your soil.

Want a sampling kit?  Our Sampling Kit – Soils has everything you need to take your samples for Structure Wise easily and correctly and get them to the lab in the best condition, including return express freight to the lab.  Don’t want a sampling kit?  See our Sampling Instructions for how to sample, pack and send your samples to the lab.

Key features

  • Easy to understand
  • Fast turnaround*
  • Soil structure information

Ideal for

  • Estimating soil aggregation
  • Amount of soil carbon sequestered by VAM
  • Prevalence of VAM over time

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