We can help you make superior compost
Making a quality product is more than just waste management! It’s a microbial process.
Our range of advanced tests will help you make extraordinary compost by applying microbial principles that are proven by science and used by experts. We’ll help you to not only meet the required standard but go well beyond it.
Compost Tests
Our compost tests are designed to help you exceed the requirements for the Australian standard. We focus on microbe groups that are important for both compost production and soil health. You’ll get informative reports that will help you to understand the microbial communities in your compost, measure their influence on important compost properties, such as microbial maturity, disease suppression and humus formation, and help you to manage them to create extraordinary compost. Our goal is to help you deliver a far superior product. Check out our tests here or using our Online Product Selector, and if you can’t find what you want, just ask us!
Value Packages
We’ve put together some of the most popular, useful and complementing tests into Value Packages. Each package has been designed to give the best set of information for every purpose and budget at a great value price. Check out our Value Packages here or use our Online Product Selector to find the right Value Package for you.