Worm Wise


Worm Wise measures the number of earthworm cocoons per gram of sample material.  If you’re serious about managing worms in your soil or compost, Worm Wise is for you!

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Worm Wise

Worm Wise measures the number of earthworm cocoons per gram of sample material.  Earthworm cocoons contain multiple numbers of eggs, from which new worms hatch, and this should be taken into account when attempting to estimate the potential number of hatchlings.  Earthworms are a useful indicator of soil biological function as they require organic matter to grow and multiply, and inoculate digested organic matter and soil with their gut microbes.  The organic matter they require to live is also a food source for other soil microbes, and the inoculated gut microbes are able to populate the surrounding soil. Thus, a soil populated by worms is likely to be relatively higher in organic matter and microbial activity.  If you’re serious about managing worms in your soil or compost, Worm Wise is for you!

Want a sampling kit?  Our Sampling Kit – Soils has everything you need to take your samples easily and correctly and get them to the lab in the best condition, including return express freight to the lab.  Don’t want a sampling kit?  See our Sampling Instructions for how to sample, pack and send your samples to the lab.


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