Maturity Wise


Maturity Wise for Compost calculates the maturity level of your compost and nine other useful indicators by measuring gas emissions from your sample over a set time period.

> Read the detailed description below for more info

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Maturity Wise

Maturity Wise for Compost calculates the maturity level of your compost and nine other useful indicators by measuring gas emissions from your sample over a set time period. Compost made by the most common method of composting (aerobic thermo-compost) emits carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH3) during the composting process.  A combination of the amounts of these gases emitted is used to determine a range of useful compost parameters that can help you make better compost by troubleshooting problems and knowing when composting is complete to the desired level of maturity for the intended use.  The Compost Maturity and Compost Status results can also be used as part of the requirements for the Australian Standard for Compost AS4454 2012.

Want a sampling kit?  Our Sampling Kit – Compost has everything you need to take your samples for Maturity Wise for Compost easily and correctly and get them to the lab in the best condition, including return express freight to the lab.  Don’t want a sampling kit?  See our Sampling Instructions for how to sample, pack and send your samples to the lab.

Key features

  • Easy to understand
  • Fast turnaround*
  • Low cost*

Ideal for

  • Measuring compost maturity
  • Indicating correct turning rate
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Making compost to suit a specific end use
  • Helping ensure compliance with AS4454

* compared to other Microbe Labs tests

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