
What the #@$% is Next-Gen Sequencing?!

by Dr Ash Martin  PhD BSc(For)Hons

Metagenomics, including Next-Gen Sequencing, is having a transformative impact in the field of soil microbiology, enabling comprehensive analysis of microbial diversity, functions, and interactions. Advances in sequencing technologies, such as Illumina, Ion Torrent, Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT), and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio), have significantly enhanced the depth and accuracy of microbial studies. Targeted metagenomics, using techniques like stable-isotope probing and high-throughput sequencing, allows for detailed investigation of specific microbial groups and their roles in various environments. Despite challenges like data management and method selection, metagenomics holds great promise for improving environmental management and agricultural practices. Read the in-depth article to find out more.

> Try it out!: Our Next-Gen Sequencing – Total (Bacteria + Fungi) test identifies virtually all bacteria and fungi present in your sample – with a professional report specific to your needs.  Click here for more information about our Next-Gen Sequencing tests.

Click below to read the in-depth article:
Garg et al. (2024). Cutting edge tools in the field of soil microbiology. Current Research in Microbial Sciences. 6: 100226.
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