
Fertiliser effects on microbes linked to crop productivity by Next-Gen Sequencing

by Dr Ash Martin  PhD BSc(For)Hons

Next-Gen Sequencing was used to investigate the impacts of organic and chemical fertilisers on soil microbial communities, soil nutrients, and sugarcane growth in sugarcane fields. The research found that there was a close relationship between the parameters of yield, soil nutrients, and soil microorganisms. It found that organic fertiliser significantly increased sugarcane yield and sugar content compared to chemical fertiliser alone. The organic fertiliser also improved soil pH, carbon and microbial diversity, including species that had not been seen in other studies. Soil function analysis revealed enhanced energy metabolism, and sulphate absorption and biosynthesis, were more prominent where the organic fertiliser was used. The study concluded that organic fertiliser application can improve soil health and sugarcane productivity, supporting sustainable agricultural practices.  Read the in-depth article to find out more.

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Click below to read the in-depth article:
Li et al. (2020). Metagenomic Analysis Exploring Taxonomic and Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities in Sugarcane Fields Applied with Organic Fertilizer. BioMed Research International. 2020: 9381506.
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